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BAPT President Speaks On COVID-19 and Physiotherapy


Updated: Aug 24, 2020

BAPT president, Dr. Devonnia Bonimy-Lee, discussed key issues pertaining to COVID-19 policies and Physiotherapy practices during her interview with 'Our News' on August 11th.

During the interview the BAPT president voiced concerns about the governments choice to allow PTs to see patients only under "emergency" situations. She stated that:

"Only being able to see cases that are emergency cases ... is detrimental to our patients and their outcomes"

Physiotherapists treat a wide variety of patients and conditions. Many of these conditions require treatment in a timely fashion in order to capitalize on important neurologic developmental periods or to prevent further tissue damage and eventual need for extreme measures such as surgery in order to remedy the damage that has been caused. Delaying care for these patients will only create increased burden on the country's already over-stressed health-care system.

"They require ongoing care. This could be rehabilitation that can last for several weeks up to months so when you have a discontinuation like this where you have patients who are required to stay at home or you have therapists who can only provide home care appointments it certainly puts a huge snag in their ability to recover and also it creates opportunities for them to possible become emergency cases."

The BAPT president also voiced concerns over the lack of regular communication between the association and the Ministry Of Health. She stated that:

"Having consistent communication with the Ministry of Health is so important to us and our members"

If a pathway to this type of communication were created the association could have a discussion with the Ministry about safe protocols and standards for the re-opening of Physiotherapy clinics.

Watch the entire interview below:

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